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Tens of thousands - yea, millions upon millions in number --
are now returning with the King of Kings
for the conflict at Armageddon..

Jesus In Jerusalem. The Lord ...
Shall suddenly come to his temple located upon the earth.
(Malachi 3:1

______We will ride________

 The painting top of page is a depiction of a vision
experienced by John on the Isle of Patmos as
written in scripture. Recorded in the book of
Revelation in the Bible, at this moment John
sees the Word of God coming in judgment.
He also observes a great host of people, called
the armies of heaven, following Him upon
white horses.

>> Notice that they come from heaven; they are
not already present on earth. They are the
saints who were raptured in Revelation chapter
4 verse 1 -- the Bride who made herself
ready and
(wore) fine linen, clean and white. Tens of
thousands -- yea, millions upon millions in
number -- are now returning with the King of Kings
for the conflict at Armageddon..

I am attaching a photo of Marcia and myself in front of an ancient Roman aqueduct built about the time of Christ.
Take care.

Steve and Marica
Has camera will travel


Mom & Dad  

Near the Dome of the Rock in the photo above, Jesus Temple will be built.
And Jesus Christ Our Savior, will suddenly come to it, possibly after He cleans up the mess at Armageddon.

And will reign as King of Kings and Lords of Lords for a thousand years, here on Earth.
"Isn't that awesome."

Steve and Marcia on the Mount of Olives.
Thanks Steve for the photo of

If you're a Christian suffering with great pains and losses, Jesus says, "Be of good cheer" (John 16:33 NKJV). The new house is nearly ready for you. Moving day is coming. The dark winter is about to be magically transformed into spring. One day soon you will be home--for the first time. Until then, I encourage you to meditate on the Bible’s truths about Heaven. May your imagination soar and your heart rejoice.
Randy Alcorn

We, will ride.

The old city wall of Jerusalem is pictured in the background,
including the Eastern gate on the right side of the photo

While he was still there, Steve wrote his Mother
and I this letter.
Mom & Dad, I sit and write this just a few hundred feet
from the edge of the Sea of Galilee. The palm trees are
blowing in the wind
and it is so peaceful here. Hard to believe we are really
here. Across the water
on the other side, we can see the hills of the Golan Heights.
Marcia and I got
baptized today in the Jordan River. It was wonderful.
The river is a lot smaller than I expected it would be,
probably only 50 feet across.
We could see large fish swimming in the river from above.

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